Login to you can choose to register as a free member or a paid member.

Free registration : choose your user name ,provide email id choose paasword confirm paasword then provide some profile details like Name , Mobile no. whatsapp no. etc fill up some required fields then accept terms of use then click complete signup

one activation email is send to your email id provided by you at the time of sign up. check that email then click the activation link you will be redirected to there you can now login with your user name or email with paasword you set at the time of sign up now you are free registred member of

Paid registration : choose your user name ,provide email id choose paasword confirm paasword then provide some profile details like Name , Mobile no. whatsapp no. etc fill up some required fields then accept terms of use then click complete signup

one activation email is send to your email id provided by you at the time of sign up. check that email then click the activation link you will be redirected to there you can now login with your user name or email with paasword you set at the time of sign up now you are free registred member of then you can choose Membership plan. then uou will be redirected to choose plan then complete the procedure add to cart then you can proced to check out there you will have to fill details like name and address etc then click to pay you can pay by Paytm, G-pay, direct bank transfer etc. when you buy this then your membership will be approved by us.

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